Whole-classroom instrumental learningINCLUSIVE, INSPIRING, PROGRESSIVE AND EXCEPTIONAL 'Strings mission’ is a project for primary school children in year 3,4,5 or 6 to experience the learning of a string instrument inside the classroom. Strings Mission is part of The ‘Classroom Strings Instrumental Programme’ devised and composed by Sally Greaves, for Violins, Violas, Cellos and Double Basses, and it is part of the ‘Groove’n’play’ class ensemble series. It aims to give children the opportunity to develop their music skills, knowledge, and understanding, as well as improving instrumental technique. Incorporates reading music notation, improvisation and performance which all follows the guidance of the English National Curriculum. Being part of ‘Strings Mission’ will benefit the children, and the school community as a whole, by bringing music to the general public, expanding the audiences and involving the families in the learning activities of the children engaged in the project. Included in the price of the workshop is the rental of the instruments and the preparation for the end of term performance. For prices or more information please contact me.